This year for Christmas I’m making one of my nieces a pack of ready to go crafts. For ease of access for my sister I’m linking all the corresponding tutorials/instructions below.

 Craft #1 - Popsicle Stick Rain Clouds

  • Cut a cloud out of white paper

  • Paint popsicle sticks (to look like a rainbow, or however you want

  • Glue the popsicle sticks to the bottom of the cloud

  • Glue a loop of string to the top of the cloud to make it able to be hung

Craft #2 - Paper Bag JellyFish

  • Paint your paper bag (and let dry)

  • Cut the bottom portion of the bag into strips length wise to make the tentacles

  • Add googley eyes

Craft #3 - Paper Plate Christmas Tree

  • Paint paper plate quarters green (or glue as directed below and then paint)

  • Paint a popsicle stick brown (for the trunk)

  • Glue 3 plate quarters together in a tree shape

  • Decorate the tree by gluing on the yellow pom pom at the top as a star (or using the gold star piece) and painting on ornaments and garland or glue on confetti.

Craft #4 - Handprint Christmas Tree

  • trace handprint onto green paper and cut out (you’ll need three per tree)

  • glue the handprints and trunk of the tree together to form a tree shape

  • then glue the star to the top and decorate the tree by drawing on decorations

Craft #5 - Handprint snowglobe

  • Glue blue circle onto the brown base so that it looks like a snowglobe

  • make a white handprint in the snowglobe, then paint falling snow, and paint/draw snowmen onto each finger of the handprint (could also just paint a snowman instead of using a handprint)

Craft #6 - Beaded Pipecleaner Christmas Tree

  • glue two of the bent pipecleaners to the red paper to make the tree

  • glue the yellow star at the top

  • decorate the tee by threading beads onto the pipecleaners

Craft #7 - Gingerbread House

  • glue the gingerbread house pieces onto the blue paper (house, roof, and chimney)

  • Add yellow windows and red door

  • add coloured ‘gumdrop’ pieces to decorate

  • rip up white tissue paper and glue on as snow

Craft #8 - Paper Penguins

  • Put the eyes and yellow triangle (beak) on the penguin

  • Then add the feet to the bottom

  • Next glue on a collage of white squares for the belly

Craft #9 - winter hats

  • paint the paper plate however you ant your hat to look

  • glue pompom to the top

  • add buttons with glue as decorations if wanted

craft #10 - Name snowman

  • glue the two vertical paper pieces together to create a long background

  • glue on the blank white circle then the name circles to create the snowman

  • add the snowman face and accessories to the blank cicle

  • decorate the snowman however you like, add paint snowflakes to the background, etc.

Craft #11 - Paper Jellyfish

  • Decorate your jellyfish body however you want (paint, markers, glue on confetti etc) and add the eyes

  • Cut string and tie through holes to create tentacles

Craft #12 - Handprint Ladybugs

  • trace hand onto red paper and cut out (you’ll need two for each bug)

  • glue onto brown body part way down, leaving space for a face

  • glue on eyes

  • draw on a face and black spots

craft #13 - Handprint flower

  • paint a green handprint on the paper

  • paint flowers at the end of each finger

  • glue the brown paper at the bottom of the handprint to look like a flower pot