What's he worth?

Today I was reading this post on the Your Other Brothers blog, and Aaron included this passage of scripture.

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Well, that’s an extreme word isn’t it?

I pulled out my Bible to check what the two versions I generally read said,
”any of you who does not give up everything” reads the NIV.
”if you’re not willing to take what is dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it goodbye.” In the Message.

What is dearest to me? Plans . . . people??

The study/translation notes in my translation say, “Jesus did not want a blind, naive commitment that expected only blessings. As a builder estimates costs or a king evaluates military strength, so a person must consider what Jesus expects of his followers. The cost, Jesus warns, is complete surrender to him.”

Finally I turned to a more recent translation that has become a new favourite of mine - The Passion Translation.

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“Unless you surrender all to me . . . . you cannot be one of my disciples”.

And the translation notes state - pulling in the verses that follow -, “Followers of Jesus who are unwilling to pay the price are like worthless salt, unable to affect anyone or anything.”

But let’s also go back a few verses in this section, “When you follow me as my disciple, you must put aside your father, your mother, your wife, your sisters, your brothers, - yes, you will even seem as though you hate your own life. This is the price you’ll pay to be considered one of my followers.”


This seems so anti to what I was taught Christians and church should be about.
Aren’t all supposed to be included?
Isn’t it just supposed to be as long as someone can say, “I believe Jesus existed” and BAM they’re in?

But here Jesus says that this costs you everything.
Being his follower is not a decision to be taken lightly, and not everyone is going to choose this life, because it is going to cost you something, and you must be willing to surrender it all. Dreams, loves, hopes, family, riches, meaningful momentos. Even possibly life itself.

“So don’t follow me without considering what it will cost you”

All are welcome.
But the way of Christ comes at a cost.
And Jesus himself says to consider what that cost is. To ask yourself if you’re prepared to surrender all of you and everything you love. Am I?

Am I honestly willing to count the cost?
I’m not sure.
I like to think I am, but each time I have to surrender more of my ways and wants I get faced with the question - am I ready to renounce that hope, that dream, that love to follow? Are you?

You are welcome on this path.
This narrow way.
And life itself, and love itself, and God himself is waiting for you.
But like the parable of the treasure in the field - are you ready to sell everything you have to obtain it?

As Aaron says in his article, “All followers of Christ will find themselves in nearly unbearable conflicts between flesh and spirit; this is the cost of denying ourselves and bearing the cross of Christ. … It’s what Christ forwardly states at the beginning of that passage in Luke — following Him costs everything. Our family, our friends, our jobs, the whole of our lives. … What is Christ’s value to me? He costs everything, yes, but is He worth everything?”

Aaron goes on to talk about his own journey in relationship with Christ. Of asking God if following him would cost him a particular relationship, “asking if He would still be worth following, even if it cost me my dreams. If I could never accept His saying “no” to a husband for me, then why go on asking in the first place?

I am not yet prepared to ask if I’m not ready to follow Him regardless how He answers.

If the answer is no, if I could not follow Him even into celibacy, then the problem is my faith — that Christ isn’t worth everything to me — not my sexuality.”

His story echoes so meaningfully, so painfully my own.
Growing up I dreamt of two things - living a life that matters and being married.
Why? I don’t know.
Was it a dream built into my heart by its creator, a dream woven into the biology of my being by evolution and chemicals and cells, or just one instructed by my culture? I don’t know. And I’m not sure it matters. Because whatever its founding it feels like it’s me. Who I am. I suppose I always assumed this meant that even in surrendering all of me to Christ that finding the (a) person to marry was inevitable - a matter of time.

Then when I was nearing my 30th year I came face to face with my deepest fear.
It presented its dark, overwhelming face in the vulnerability of sleep.
I began waking up in the middle of the night, heart pounding, mind racing, panic coursing through every inch of my body.
What if I never got what I wanted? What if I remain single my whole life? What if no one ever loves me enough to choose to bind themselves to me?
To those of you who marriage came easily, or perhaps whose deepest desires was something other than this - maybe this seems silly.
Maybe you’re rolling your eyes.

So what would it be for you?
Having children?
Losing a family member?
Living without the security of a job? Knowing how you’re going to afford the things you need?
A specific dream or job?

And with the help of a wonderful Christian therapist I began the hard work of asking myself, is Christ worth it?
If the cost of following him is submitting the possibility of all I’ve dreamt of my entire life.
If it’s watching the people I’ve loved love others?
If it means I never experience a romantic relationship, being chosen, sex, a first kiss.
Do I honestly believe he is still worth following?
And my answer was yes. And maybe that’s easier to say now at the beginning of my 30s when the dream of finding someone to marry still lingers hopefully in the back corners of my heart then it will be at 40 or 50 or 70. But I hope I find my answer to be yes, no matter the cost.
I hope I, like Jesus told his other disciples before me, have considered what it will cost me, and found myself willing to pay the price. Found that he truly is the treasure worth selling everything else for.