What's he worth?

Growing up I dreamt of two things - living a life that matters and being married.
Why? I don’t know.
Was it a dream built into my heart by its creator, a dream woven into the biology of my being by evolution and chemicals and cells, or just one instructed by my culture? I don’t know. And I’m not sure it matters. Because whatever its founding it feels like it’s me. Who I am. I suppose I always assumed this meant that even in surrendering all of me to Christ that finding the (a) person to marry was inevitable - a matter of time.

Then when I was nearing my 30th year I came face to face with my deepest fear.

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Digest #1

I used to share a lot of the content I consume and come across in my Instagram Story, but recently I’ve come to wonder if perhaps this is annoying to people who follow me but aren’t super interested in the areas that I like to think deeply about. So for now I think I’m going to post my thoughts in posts here in my blog so that it’s available for those who are interested, but isn’t constantly popping up in the feeds of those who aren’t interested. 😊

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Favourites || March

I’m sitting in my living room on a gloomy, chilly Holy Saturday (the day between Good Friday and Easter), a cup of coffee at my side, and the latest Ask N.T. Wright Anything - Qs About Crucifixion - playing on my phone.
Covid-19 has had Canada in isolation for the past three or four weeks now, so the times are different than I ever would have expected.

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